News Item: Elder Subandriyo's report from Solo
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I just returned from Solo this morning. I attended a branch conference in Banjarsari branch. I left Jakarta Yesterday early morning (6.05 AM flight to Solo) and straight to attend Banjarsari branch' conference that began at 8 AM. I was amazed when I entered the chapel at 7.45, all leaders and 80% of members were already seated and prelude music was played. The branch president is the youngest son of the Soeratman family that most of us know, we call him President Ipung, strong faith, a very loving branch president who deeply understand the gospel. He talked about faith from the conference theme, Ether 12:4. In his talked he shared his new experience as a father. Having no child on their own over ten years of their marriage, Pres Ipung and his wife, Dewi just adopted a son 2 weeks ago, but just 5 days after they brought him home, he got very ill. Pres Ipung said he never cry, he doesn’t like to see his wife cry. But with the illness of his son, he cried more that his wife. He fell in love with the little boy once he got him. He felt that both of them made a promise in the pre mortal world that he and this little baby boy would live together in a family setting. They name the baby boy is “Mikael Adi Purnomo”. Well, the doctor found out that Mikael has a very serious decease. He advised him to return the boy back to his biological mother, instead of troubling himself with problem and find other healthy baby to adopt. That comments shattered his heart, he cried even more. He counseled with other doctors and volunteers, and he received mix respond from them. Some supports him to keep Mikael, some told him to return Mikael back to his biological mother. When he counseled with his siblings who are members of the Church, they told him that God loves this baby boy and that miracle can happen to him. He took me to his office to talked more on Mikael. We both felt through the Holy Ghost that Mikael is their son from God, that he and Dewi will care for him and making sure that he receives the best medical treatment to get him well. After all the meeting finished, I went with Ipung and Dewi to the hospital. What a handsome boy Mikael is! He looks like his mother. We performed priesthood blessing to him. He is a lovely little boy! Please, pray for Mikael and his parent so that he will get well soon and be home with his lovely parent.
I visited a few other families in the afternoon before I attended Solo youth fire side at 6 PM. I went to visit Sister Suyitno, early member who used to live near Pasar Klewer. She is Cathrine’s mother. Cathrine married Agus Sadiyono and now belong to Tangerang 1 branch. Her grandson from Cathrine and Agus., his name is Rangga will begin his missionary service this coming August. What progress this is! I thanked her for bringing her Children to the Church. I then visited her oldest daughter, Christine who married one of the Moelyonos’ son, Mas Wisnu, who is not attending Church regularly. A lovely family! I invited them to join me and others to be the “tua-tua” in the Church, to lead our younger generation to a more meaningful life in the gospel.
The youth fire side went well. There were over 80 youth and their leaders came. Most of them are second or third generation members. I was so happy see and gave my encouragement to them in facing their future. Several of them are the recipients of the JEAP in order to continue their primary and high school education. Thank you to all of you who has contributed to the JEAP.
As soon as I finished the youth fire side, I went on motor bike with Brother Kustejo, the husband of Wati Soeratman to visit Sister Soebowo. She looks shorter and wrinkle but remain energetic and enthusiastic with the gospel. She showed us her bookrack full of her journals and photo collections! She is very proud of being a long teachers in the Church. I thank you for her steadfastness in the gospel and her great example to all of us. Her son, my former missionary friend, Arman Biaktoro passed away a couple moths ago. I then visited Brother Kustedjo new grand daughter, “Retta”, the daughter of Siyamto and Ajeng. Retta becomes the 4th generation from the Soeratman family, and the 3rd generation from Sudiyo family in Jogyakarta . I end my busy Sunday by visiting my former missionary sister, who now has 2 sons and a daughter, Imma Soeratman and Didit Sulistya. I marvel on the progress of the Church in Solo area. There are still much work to be done. The strong foundation has been built to carry the future growth in this area.
Terima kasih for your pray and support to Indonesia, isles of the sea!!
Elder Subandriyo
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