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Noticias Artículo: Excellent Manado report from Elder Subandriyo

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Excellent Manado report from Elder Subandriyo 03 Dec 2009
On 1 December I attended the Christmas program in Manado branch. The Manado branch was organized in the early eighties and has not been growing even though the area is predominantly Christian. Our current branch president Bobby Mongan has been serving for over 25 years, he maybe be considered one of the longest serving branch presidents in modern day Church. This indicates that we do not have sufficient priesthood holders for so many years. About a year and a half ago, a lest active young man came back to Church, his name is Elias. His mother, Sister Norita Kulit was baptized in the early nineties at Tembaga Pura, freeport mining town in Papua by expatriate member. When she returned home to Manado, she lived far from the Church and that made it difficult for her to attend the Church. Her son Elias was baptized when he was twelve but became somewhat less active due to the distance from home to Church. By the time he became active in the Church, he already had finished his medical school and began his internship at the state hospital in Manado. He found his testimony and it even gets stronger as he actively engages in Church service. President Bobby was so happy having him on his side. Elias began his missionary efforts among his classmates. A few months ago, two of his friends joined the Church, both are medical doctors. I met the three of them recently and felt their conversion spirit as they serve their humble brothers and sisters in the branch. It is a miracle to see these doctors who are willing to join a small and humble congregation. They must know in their heart that the Church is truly true because our Church in Manado is in contrast compared to the Church they previously belonged to. In this tiny branch with 40 attendance, it is a blessing to have three active medical doctors serving both spiritually and temporally to the humble members in Manado.

Salam kasih,
Elder Subandriyo
Chad Emmett Mandar Mensaje

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