Indonesia Jakarta

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News Item: Indonesia Independence Day - From Sis. Hetarihon

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Indonesia Independence Day - From Sis. Hetarihon 17 Jun 2012
Dear Friends of Indonesia,

We're planning to celebrate Indonesian Independence day on August 17,
2012. Therefore, we would like to invite you
and your family to come and celebrate with us"

When: Friday, August 17, 2012, @ 6:00pm

Where: The Belnaps residence
1046 Sunset Drive
Kaysville, Utah84037

Dress: Casual, batik, red and white t-shirts, etc etc..

Dinner: POTLUCK DINNER for all of us to share.

Please bring your lawn chairs, blankets, mats etc, so you can mingle and enjoy the sunset of Great Salt Lake. If you want to share the Indonesian songs, dances, please let me know. We would have games for children, adults too.

So, let's put on your calender for August 17th, this will help you to plan your vacation in advance. You will meet old friends and make a new ones.

Please let me know if you're coming, so we can prepare for our Chicken satay and rice. If you can bring more paper plates, cups, napkins, utensils, that would be great.

I need more help for this events. . Any questions, please contact me (Josie)

Terima kasih,
David Brewer Send Email

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