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Sister Janette Jensen (Empey)Contact Info Hidden - LoginSend Email |
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Presidents: William B. Martin (1989 - 1992) | Steven H. Jensen (1992 - 1995) | |
Served: 1991 - 1992 | |
Areas Served: Cork, Bangor, Limerick, Cavehill (Belfast), Dun Laoghaire, Clondalkin | |
Companions: Kimberly Parrish Auch (Parrish) | Angie Griffen (Muldoon) | Lynda Hill | Melinda Iund (Anderson) | Cindy Marie Lopez (Mitchell) | Shannon Wilson (Blakeslee) | |
Your Occupation: Mom/University lecturer | |
Spouse: Martin Jensen | |
Comments: Hello all! Living in Aalborg, Denmark now with my husband Martin Jensen (also from the mission). We were married in the Las Vegas Temple in September 2002. We have a daughter (Mia -2005) and 2 part-time daughters from Martin's previous marriage (Sarah - 1996 and Sophie - 1998). I work full-time as a mom and part-part-part-time for the local university. I supervise students who are writing their final projects and also teach a few classes in accounting and finance. Martin works as a Project Manager for a large telecom company. He is in the Young Men's presidency and and I am Primary president, so we seem to keep busy. Life is good and all is well! We both have such good memories of the mission and hope to serve when we're old and gray (and that's getting closer and closer! :) ) | |
Created: 01 Mar 2002 Modified: 17 May 2007 | |
Last Login: 17 May 2007 02:54:54 PM |