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Adam Clarke12058 Alderbrook St.Moorpark, CA 93021 805-529-8162 Email Not Available |
Comments: My wife (Cheryl) and I have been married 12 years. We have 3 kids -- all adopted. Daniel age 9, Michael age 8, and Hallie age 3. I work in Burbank, CA. as a Sound Mixer making commercials for movies. I'm serving as a Gospel Doctrine teacher in our ward (Moorpark 2nd Ward), and I also teach the Missionary Prep. class for the stake young adult ward. Our family has been very blessed and our testimonies are strong! We would love to hear from any IDMers or Irish Saints who wish to write or call. If you are ever in southern California, our door is always open to you. I served from July 1987 to June 1989 under President Gull. My areas included Dublin (Rathmines, Clondalkin, Ballydoyle), Carrick Fergus, Waterford, Limerick. Companions included Farnsworth, Hunsaker, Lawson, Welch, Tresner, Riley, Whitmore, Alvord, Gunderson, Hansen, Close. | |
Created: 2002-05-14 Modified: 2002-08-13 | |
Last Login: 2004-08-05 23:56:28.5922-06 |