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Prayer and Fast for President and Sister Lowry | 11 Feb 2004 |
Posted on behalf of Thomas L. Harkness: President Raymond Lowry, the former Ireland Belfast Stake President and Regional Representative, and Sister Lowry were called to serve as mission president and mother of the England Birmingham Mission in July 2003. It was discovered that Sister Lowry had ovarian cancer shortly after they arrived in Birmingham. After consulting with Elder Boyd K. Packard, it was decided that the Lowrys should return home where Sister Lowry could receive chemotherapy treatment. After ful recuperation, the Lowrys will be notified by the mission department and called to a different mission. Sister Lowry has finished her chemotherapy treatment and has an appointment with a surgeon and specialist in London during the third week in February. The Lowrys have expressed their thanks for the fasting and prayers offered by returned Irish Missionaries and indicated they have felt the influence of our Father in Heaven on their behalf. Your continued prayers will be appreciated. Please join in a petition of prayer and fasting for a full recovery and elimination of the cancer. We have planned another fast for Sister Lowry on February 15, 2004. |
Bruce Braithwaite | Send Email |