Comments: I'm still alive and moving forward one baby step at a time. I still love Gumby. Life still doesn't frighten me. I can still honestly say, "Nobody bothers me!" Fido Dido is still my friend. I still hope to live at Carnegie Hall someday.
I gave a colleague a Book of Mormon in Lingala the other day. I cry when I see Africa in the World Report between sessions of conference.
I'm listening to Little Bunny FooFoo on Mother Goose Rocks as I type this. "Here today. Goon tomorrow." (I had to stop typing in the middle of that because the baby knocked the laundry rack over on herself, cloth diapers and all. Can't hang them outside yet because it's going to rain for another month.)
I went to see my son dance the Hokey Pokey and the Bumpsie Daisey with his kindergarten class today.
I'm learning Lithuanian with my kids as we drive back and forth through the hills of the Northeast Kingdom. We drive more than we care to now that we live 45 minutes from church.
I've spent most of my week sewing a tomato costume for my three year old to wear Saturday in our Memorial Day parade. She keeps calling it a potato, but I'll still let her wear it.
That's what my life is like these days. No big paychecks, no cell phone, no cable tv, no garage door opene (heck, we don't even have a garage.) In my back yard I've seen wild turkey, hawks, the neighbor's dog masquerading as a coy dog (VT for coyote), a moose, salamanders, frogs, turtles, snakes, black flies, beavers, a compost bin flattened by a bear and a few other things that don't come to mind.
The Church is still true. God still lives and speaks to us. President Hinckley is still a prophet, so is Joseph Smith. The Book of Mormon is still true.
Don't be a pickle sucker. |