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Sister Kristina Louise Narvaez (Behrens) Contact Info Hidden - Login
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| | | Presidents: Mario V. Vaira (1989 - 1992) | Served: 1989 - 1990 | Areas Served: Catania, Siracusa, Palermo,Caltanisetta,Bari | Companions: Michelle Alfawakhiri (Jacobson) | Heather Benson (Rust) | Heather Vogeley (Clark) | Spouse: Kevin Narvaez | Comments: I am Sister Kristina Behrens. I served a mission in the Catania, Italy Mission from May 1989-December 1990. My companions were Sister Jacobson, Sister Bartoli, Sister Clark, Sister Hall, Sister Peterson, Sister Thomas, Sister Rust, Sister Kidman, Sister Vuyk, and Sister Carter.
Since my mission I have attended BYU and then transferred to the University of Utah were I graduated in Environmental Risk Management and Finance and then I went to Westminster College were I received my MBA. I worked in the insurance and risk management industry for over ten years before I met my husband, Kevin, on
My husband is a software engineer for a digital scrapbook software company. We have three daughters, Katelyn (5) and Korryn ( 3 ) Kristyn (2) and our son, Kameron who is a newborn.
I want to bear my testimony on the importance of a mission. Besides being a wife and mother, I consider my mission one of my great accomplishments on so many levels of my personal growth. I was given challenges on my mission and I learned to rely on the Lord which set the tone for my life. My testimony was strengthened by serving in Italy with the missionary companions I had as well as the members and non-members in Italy. I love the Italian people and I would love to serve there again someday with my husband. I love the Lord and our Heavenly Father and I am so grateful for the Restoration of the Gospel in these Latter-Days.I have been so blessed in my life being a member of the Church. I hope to share this message with others throughout my life. |
Created: 31 Jul 2005 Modified: 14 Aug 2008 |
Last Login: 14 Aug 2008 09:29:07 AM |
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