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Sister Tina Cannon (Martindale) Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Vincenzo Conforte (1986 - 1989) | Served: 1986 - 1988 | Areas Served: Lecce, Foggia, Reggio Calabria, Taranto | Companions: Jeanette Marie Aloisio (Angst) | REINE Simonet (Griguer) | Your Occupation: Full-time Mom, P/T freelance writer | Spouse: Adam Cannon | Comments: After living in all sorts of places in Colorado, Utah and Oregon, I'm in Spanish Fork. We just built a new house and hope to stay a LONG time! I have four boys ages 9 to 15, and two little girls, 7 and 5.
My most frequent calling (with all the moving) has been ward choir director - a calling I absolutely love. Right now I have the privilege of serving a Primary President in a rapidly growing ward. We have 80 nursery kids and 34 Sunbeams, to give you an idea....
My "baby" sister went on a buisiness trip tp Italy last year, and she and my parents arranged for me to tag along. What an amazing experience! I wasn't in our mission area, but I did meet the nephew of Sorella Bosco, who was on his mission in Genova. I also got to see all the Olimpic regalia in Torino.
E-mail me! I promise to write back! |
Created: 29 Mar 2006 Modified: 08 Mar 2007 |
Last Login: 08 Mar 2007 02:03:53 PM |
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