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 | Sister Holly Chase Contact Info Hidden - Login
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| | | Presidents: Mario V. Vaira (1989 - 1992) | Served: 1990 - 1992 | Language(s) spoken:Italian, of course | Areas Served: Cosenza, Foggia, Bari, Palermo, Siracusa | Companions: Heather Benson (Rust) | Your Occupation: Museum Coordinator | Spouse: not yet | Comments: After the mission I returned to BYU and graduated in Visual Arts with a minor in
Italian. I was fortunate to begin work as a staff (not student) employee at BYU's Museum of Art for 6 years as a
Registrar/Collections Manager.
Currently I live in Southern California
working at a impressive Chinese art museum which is privately owned by a member of the church (and fellow BYU alumni).
I am still devoted to the same gospel I preached as a missionary - only now
I believe my understanding of it has deepened and matured. I have served as an RS instructor, Gospel Doctrine instructor, Ward Activities Chair, Counselor in RS Presidency, Young
Women's Instructor, and Singles Rep. These callings are an accomplishment for me who grew up as a very shy little girl who was never comfortable in front of people. I thank the many opportunities the church has given me to help me overcome that shyness. I am grateful for how the gospel
and the church has blest and continues to bless my life in many other ways.
I currently attend a small family ward and serve as the Ward Activities Chair. I still help out on a couple of singles committees in Long Beach and Huntington Beach.
I enjoy traveling the world and discovering new cultures and
learning languages. Yes, I am still single - a situation I would change if
I could, but while I am still single I try to enjoy every adventure that I
can and live life to its fullest. I have to admit that its still pretty fun being single ;-)
I miss Italy and the members there very much but haven't taken the opportunity to return there since the mission (not yet at least). I've traveled to so many other countries and I am hoping that in 2007 I'll finally return to Italy. I would love to hear anyone, former mission or member, who was in Italy during those wonderful years!
Ci sentiamo presto!
-Sorella (Holly) Chase
ps: you can also check out and |
Created: 28 Jun 2006 Modified: 11 Jan 2007 |
Last Login: 11 Jan 2007 11:10:18 AM |
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