Upload Now!

If you are all ready to upload your photo, fill in the following form. To add your picture click browse and find the photo on your computer. Then click "Upload Photo!" Photos must be .jpg or .gif format. It may take a minute to upload the file.

Your name:(required)

Your email address:(required)

Where was this photo taken?

What year was your photo taken?(required)

Title of your photo:

Catagory (required)

Caption and/or Comments:

File to upload:(required)

Note: Your submitted photo may be restored, altered, or resized as may be necessary for the best display within our site.

Packaging and Mailing Instructions


Your photos will be returned to you by the same method that you send them to me.  Please include return postage inside or e-mail me to make arrangements to make a postage payment online.  I recommend using USPS express service.  It provides for $100 loss insurance and is trackable.


I recommend using corrugated cardboard to sandwich an envelope containing the images before putting them in the transportation envelope. Tape should be applied to each side of the cardboard to minimize movement of the images within the sandwich and the outside should be marked "Photos, Do Not Bend"


Mail your photos to:

JFM Org.

4981 Countryside Dr. N.E.

Salem, Oregon  97305