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Elder Paul David Eckersell Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Ned L. Christensen (1991 - 1994) | Served: 1992 - 1994 | Areas Served: Teine, Takikawa, Nagayama, Midorigaoka | Companions: Tom Alin Gee | Nathan Lee Kimball | Jeremy A. Stallard | Gary Willardson | Your Occupation: Pharmacy Technician/student | Spouse: divorced/remarried | Comments: Hello my fellow frozen chosen! I am so glad to have found this site. Let's see, what am I doing now? I am a certified pharmacy technician. I work for Walgreens in Rexburg and live in there too. I am a full time student and that is crazy. I got remarried in 2005 and sealed in 2006. We have one son Jacob and one son from my previous marriage named David. So if you want to contact me, please do! As far as church callings right now I am the CTR 6 teacher and my wife and I love it. Just to let you all know, I still have a deep testimony of our Savior. I know He loves us despite whatever wrong choices we may have made and that He will always welcome us back into His arms if only we open our hearts to Him. I love you all!
Oh, I also served with Gary Willardson, Bowen Choro (sorry couldn't rember the first name), Funaki Choro, Kuroki Choro, Suzuki Choro, Cooper Choro (in Nagayama), Lowe Choro (in Takikawa). |
Created: 21 Sep 2004 Modified: 29 Apr 2007 |
Last Login: 10 Aug 2007 01:33:09 AM |
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