Stories: Tithing story
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This was a story my friend told me who served in Tokyo North, but after reading the 2 carrots story I thought that it was appropriate…Anyways, his companion was teaching on the Law of Tithing (they were both fairly green) and the elderly lady got a very strange and worried look on her face. His companion asked if she would obey this law, and she said she would have to “pray/think about it.” To say the least, my friend and his companion were very nervous for she had been really open to everything up till that point.
When they went back the next week, they were nervous and had prayers in their heart that she received an answer to her prayers that this was a true law of God and that she would be blessed for obeying it. Well, as they started the 5th discussion, she handed them a piece of paper. The elders were confused because they paper looked official, but they had no idea what it was about since (was mostly in kanji). She then stayed pretty quite through the discussion. Once they left they went straight over to the bishop’s house and asked him what the paper was all about. The bishop looked at it and was dumb-founded for it was the deed to a house. Apparently, my friend’s companion said “Jibun no uchi” instead of “Jubun no ichi!” My friend said of the experience: “I don’t know if I have the faith now to do that, more-or-less an elderly Japanese lady. That day she taught us about true faith in God and Christ!!”
Anyways, she got baptized and was easily able to obey Jubun no ichi considering what she actually prepared herself for. |
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