Stories: Almost got married on my mission!
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This is one of those "it could only happen to a greenbean" experiences.
My first companion was Elder White. Elder White was very diligent, but always kind as well.
As missionaries, we were trained to always approach the father as the head of the household. The point was that if the father could be converted, it would make it easier to convert the rest of the family.
One day Elder White and I were going house-to-house trying to find people to talk to us. It was an area with lots of apartments. Whenever a lady would come to the door, I would always start my door approach with "go-shujin san wa irashaimasu ka?" (Is your husband home?) But they would always say "no", and since I still wasn't very good at speaking Japanese, that would pretty much be the end of conversation.
Elder White could see that I was struggling, and apparently wanted to help. He said "Since these are apartments, many of the people are single", which is why they always say 'no' when you ask if their husband is home."
I responded with "Well, if they are married, we want to talk to the husband, right? What should I do?" Elder White responded with "Why don't you ask them if they are married?"
I thought that was a reasonable idea and knocked on the door of the next apartment. However, I was still pretty new at conjugating verbs in Japanese. Sure enough, a young lady came to the door. I planned to ask "Are you married?" I took my best shot at my new question and said "kekkon shimasu ka? (Which is pretty close to "Will you marry me?")
There was a brief period of silence as the young lady recovered her wits, and then the familiar "no" answer with an immediate door slam and the sound of the door being locked.
Behind me Elder White was laughing heartily. Little did he know he was to have his comeuppance... |
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