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Elder Micheal Green Contact Info Hidden - Login
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| | | Presidents: Joel A. Flake Sr. (1996 - 1999) | Served: 1996 - 1998 | Areas Served: Newport, Norwood, Tell City, KLM Office, West Union, Hazard, Martin | Companions: Matthew Christensen | Your Occupation: Marketing Executive / Corporate Training | Spouse: Alisha Green | Comments: What to say... My greatest triumph in my life is my family. I have a wonderful, sweet wife, and 2 beautiful daughters (McKayla and Abigale.) I have been so blessed in my life with my little family. My girls continue to amaze me with their love and knowledge.
Currently I am serving with the priest-age young men in my ward, but have served in the stake mission presidency, elders quorum and other various teaching callings in the past few years. All of which have been great learning experience (although serving as a sunbeam teacher was the greatest of all... trial that is)
My professional life has been quite event filled as well. I work amongst a great team of dedicated working professionals in the home building and development fields. I have served as Marketing Director for several years, though recently my role has been expanded into corporate training in addition to my marketing responsibilities. For those who are interested the current community in which I am involved it can be found at the following link ( )
I am so grateful for the lessons I learned while serving a mission. President Flake is a great influence for good. His family continues to inspire, and his lessons ring true every day of my life.
I can be reached at and blog on occasion at
I would love to hear from you! |
Created: 18 Feb 2005 Modified: 10 Mar 2005 |
Last Login: 10 Mar 2005 01:48:02 PM |
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