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Elder Christian Charles McConner-Hughes5025 w montrose ave 1w chicago, illinois 60641
312 450 4530
Current Address 118 college ave #6 rexburg, idaho 83440
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Presidents: Bernard Packard (2002 - 2005) | Dennis C. Brimhall (2005 - 2008) | Served: 2005 - 2007 | Language(s) spoken:Ingles | Areas Served: Lexington-Pioneer, Campbellsville, West end, Frankfort | Companions: chad william Draper | casey c Fisher | Tyler James Knight | Ben Parker | Joseph Spencer Stocking | Your Occupation: student and tutor | Spouse: wishing, hoping, thinking..... | Comments: The wonderful and amazing GKLM. It changed my life. The Lord used me, molded me, and made me who I am today. I can't believe I'm no longer there, even now, it being a year since I was released. Joe Stocking, my pops, was an amazing trainer, and just what I needed. I feel sad that I didn't use his help as much as I should have, but those things I did take stuck with me throughout the mission.
Well, if you care to know what's up with, I'm currently attending BYUI. It's more amazing now, than I had remembered it being. I'm studying ap. mathematics, and hoping to be an actuary someday. Gossip: I'm currently dating an amazing lady who's, pretty much, the girl of my mission dreams: tall (6'4"), spiritual, gorgeous, and an RM! Her name's Holly and she served in the Texas Dallas Mission.
My current plans: once this semester is over, I’m headed out to Charleston, SC to sell APX Alarms. I’ve been doing it the last couple of months in Idaho Falls and it’s been a blast. I’m going to make a killing and then make more plans… |
Created: 22 Mar 2008 Modified: 26 Mar 2008 |
Last Login: 31 Mar 2008 10:20:05 PM |
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