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Sister Jenninfer Lynn Nielson

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Robert Slover (1999 - 2002)
Served: 2000 - 2002
Areas Served:
Chang-Wahn, Mee-rlang, Kwa-Chung, Deah-Shin, Young-do, Young-Sahn, Soo-Chung
Emily Dalene Densley | Michelle Larson (Vial) | ki-hye Park
At the moment I'm still in school. I'll be done in the next year. I'm still working as a Resident Stage Manager in the DeJong Concert Hall in the HFAC and BYU. My calling is a Sunday School teacher and I love it. Life is normal and great. Oh, and my sister just had a little girl, so I'm finally an aunt.
Created: 28 Oct 2004  Modified: 28 Oct 2004
Last Login: 28 Oct 2004 04:33:46 PM