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 | Sister Megan Talmadge (Petersen) Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Robert Slover (1999 - 2002) | Served: 2000 - 2001 | Areas Served: Cheju, On-chun, Bango-jin, Hae-un-dae | Companions: Griena "Goody" Choi (Griena Choi) | Emily Dalene Densley | Marci D Worlton (Truscott) | Your Occupation: homemaker | Spouse: Noah Talmadge | Comments: I thought I would update since it has been so long. In september we bought our first house and we are so happy to have our own space. We moved to a smaller town, which we love. Noah works for the University of Oregon and so he a small commute to work. We now have 3 boys Russell age 5, Curtis age 3, and Isaace age 1. They are so much fun and love to play and wrestle with each other. Russell is in kindergarten and it is fun to watch his knowledge grow. I just got put in as the YW president and Noah is the early morning seminary teacher. Our callings keep us busy. We love to invite people over and serve Korean food to them. Most people enjoy it other than the kimchi. |
Created: 28 Oct 2004 Modified: 01 Feb 2009 |
Last Login: 01 Feb 2009 05:13:26 PM |
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