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Elder Parker W. Dixon

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Hee Chul Seo (2002 - 2005)
Served: 2002 - 2004
Language(s) spoken:Korean
Areas Served:
괴정, 중리, 구포, 김해, 통영
Spencer Binks | Michael J Humpherys | Dustin Robert Judd | Zachary Y Mckendrick
Your Occupation: Student
Spouse: Aubrey
Well,I am just going to school and working. I am going to UNLV and studying Kinesiology with a minor in chemistry. I work for my father who is a Certified Financial Planner. I am serving in the Elder's Quorum Presidency. If any of you are even in Vegas look me up.
Created: 26 Mar 2005  Modified: 22 Aug 2007
Last Login: 01 Mar 2008 01:58:29 PM