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Sister Heesoon Jeong (Jeong)1772N. 450W. Provo, Utah 84604
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| | | Presidents: Robert Slover (1999 - 2002) | Served: 2000 - 2001 | Areas Served: Daegu(Suseong, Jungri, Gyeongsan), Pusan west(Gupo, Kimhae), and Jinju. | Companions: ki-hye Park | Your Occupation: Student | Spouse: Not yet, but soon | Comments: I served with sister Seo-soyoung, Kim-minkyoung, Jang-seonyoung, Seo-miseon, Nam-sukkyoung, Lee-hyunjung, Kim-eunha, and Park-kihae.
I'm almost grandma, but I am finally getting married to someone who is really nice.
I'm studying pre-dental hygiene at UVSC. I love it.
I'm in Provo now. I am getting married on Aug, 27th in Salt Lake.
Please come and contact me. |
Created: 12 Jun 2005 Modified: 12 Jun 2005 |
Last Login: 09 Feb 2007 12:54:58 PM |
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