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 | Sister Amanda Lynn Stanfill Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Hee Chul Seo (2002 - 2005) | Pyung Jong Song (2005 - 2008) | Served: 2004 - 2005 | Language(s) spoken:Korean, Spanish | Areas Served: SuJeong, YunSan, Geujeong, Daeshin, YoungDoh, Gwangan, Haeundae | Companions: Carrie Leann Beal | Soo Hyun Kim | Your Occupation: student | Spouse: nope | Comments: Well, I'm getting ready to graduate in April and from there it's off to Washington D.C. to start real life. I've got a job with the government and I'll be using Korean! Hooray!!! So, if you're going to be in D.C. in the near future let me know! |
Created: 23 Aug 2005 Modified: 17 Nov 2006 |
Last Login: 04 Dec 2006 12:29:08 PM |
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