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Elder Eric Holt

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Steven R. Leishman (1996 - 1999)
Served: 1996 - 1998
Language(s) spoken:Taegu dialect
Areas Served:
Changwan, Taegu demyong, chinju, Pusan daeshin, susung
Casey Gibson | Chad Hathaway | Jiyol Lee | Lyle W White
Your Occupation: Pharmacist
Spouse: Kennedy Holt
I currently am a part owner of a pharmacy up here in freezing cold Hinton, AB. We've just had our second child (son) and I am no longer getting much sleep. We are currently in a branch of 25 active members which makes life interesting here. I live less than an hour away from Jasper National Park which makes my place a great place to visit.
Created: 11 Feb 2007  Modified: 11 Feb 2007
Last Login: 02 Jul 2008 06:39:07 AM