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 | Elder John A Muhlestein Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Mark Peterson (1987 - 1990) | Won Seo (1990 - 1993) | Served: 1990 - 1991 | Language(s) spoken:Korean | Areas Served: Busan, Ulsan, Masan, Youngdo | Companions: James Biddulph | Greg Boden | Your Occupation: Business Owner | Spouse: Debbie | Comments: I graduated from BYU with a Master's in 1998, moved to Mesa AZ.
I have a lovely, wonderful wife, and two kids.
After nine years of attending ward council I am finally just a Sunday school teacher.
I own a couple of businesses, written and published a couple of books, been back to Korea several times, and love to travel to warm sunny beaches in the Caribbean.
If you want to go back to Korea, email me, I can give you a ton of information. |
Created: 26 Jun 2011 Modified: 26 Jun 2011 |
Last Login: 10 Oct 2012 09:38:29 AM |
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