Comments: Rodney E. Tueller, 58, Louisiana Baton Rouge Mission 1996 - 1999; Logan 8th
Ward, Logan Utah Mount Logan Stake; stake president's counselor; former
high councilor, bishop and counselor, and high priests group leader;
self-employed, former athletic director and basketball coach at Utah State
University; received bachelor's degree in history and physical education
from Utah State University and attended the University of Utah; born in
Cedar City, Utah, to Lamont Edwin and Elva Carlson Tueller; married Bertie
Valene Danford, six children. She is a Relief Society instructor; former
regional dance director, Primary president, Sunday School and Primary
teacher, Relief Society instructor, and nursery leader; born in Richmond,
Utah, to Joseph Ned and Louise Waite Lauriski Danford. |