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 | Sister Lua Tonga235 Aviador Ave Millbrae, CA 94030
(650) 692-3594
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http://groups.msn.com/sioneandlualangi | | Presidents: John Richard Hill (2000 - 2003) | Served: 2001 - 2002 | Areas Served: Ankadifotsy, Alarobia, Ankorondrano, Mahazoarivo | Companions: Lisa Marie Howell | Rachel Ann Lowe | Your Occupation: U.S. Coat Guard (civillian) | Spouse: Sione Langi | Comments: UPDATE: Living in San Francisco Cali (still)...married (still..he he) for 2 years. my last name is LANGI (LONG-EEE) We have a little boy turning 1 year in November. I'm the primary secretary in my ward and still teach relief society on 2nd sundays. my husband is still 1st counselor in the bishopric. i love my job, but i love being a mom more...oh yeah and a wife! i think i'll get to stay home in the next life!
i wish someone would give us updates on the mada mission. or maybe i just need to keep in touch with the families...i'm terrible at that! and my teny gas is terrible too (wait, it was always bad....) mazoto to all! hello to my fellow missionaries from 01 - 02.... |
Created: 21 Jan 2004 Modified: 06 Oct 2006 |
Last Login: 29 Dec 2006 10:12:19 AM |
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"Wouldnt this be a good time for a little self-evaluation to determine if we still have the same relationship with our Father in Heaven that we enjoyed in the mission field? If the world has diverted us from the practice of prayer, we then have lost a great spiritual power. Maybe it is time that we rekindle our missionary spirit through more frequent, consistent, and mighty prayer."