News Item: Mission Reunion 10/3/02
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Dear fellow Madagascar missionaries!
This message is to announce the fall 2002 Madagascar Mission Reunion. All former missionaries of the Madagascar mission as well as spouses/girlfriends/boyfriends/friends/family are invited. By popular demand, the reunion will once again be held at the House of Jacob (Elder Ike Jacob's family's home) in Orem, Utah. Address and directions are below.
President and Sister Fee will be coming to the reunion and would love to see everyone. We really appreciate their willingness to come. That is actually the reason we'll be having the reunion on Thursday evening rather than Friday evening--the Fees will be going to St. George on Friday to encourage their son and daughter-in-law who are running the St. George Marathon.
As we would like to have everyone there that can come, please pass this email along to any former Madagascar missionaries whom you know.
Here is the information concerning the reunion:
Date: Thursday, October 3, 2002
Time: 6:30 - 10:30 (come when you can and stay as long as you would like)
127 W. 1700 S.
Orem, Utah
If you are coming from anywhere besides Provo or Orem take I-15 to Exit 272--University Parkway in Orem. Go east (towards the mountains) through 2 stoplights (Sandhill Rd. then 400 West) and continue to the 3rd stoplight (Main St.). Turn right (south) and continue 3 blocks to 1600 S. There is a 4-way stop with flashing red lights. Turn right (west) and continue for about a block and a half to Lakewood Dr. You will see a chapel on your left. Turn left and go 1 block south, then turn left again on 1700 S. Go about a half a block and you will see a large red-brick home on your right with a very big sycamore tree in the front yard. That's the House of Jacob. The reunion will be in the back yard and in the house, so either knock on the front door or go around to the back yard directly.
If you are coming from Provo, go up State Street (500 W. in Provo) to 1600 S. in Orem. That's where the Gold's Gym is. Turn left and go about a mile to Main St. (the flashing red lights and 4-way stop). Then continue west from there and follow the rest of the directions explained above.
Oremites ought to be able to find it from the directions above.
If you get lost or need better directions, call me at (801) 226-4403.
We can play sports (volleyball, frisbee, football, whatever) in the backyard. Generally the preferred activity seems to be just to visit with everyone and eat a lot. This will be a good opportunity to get our missionary lists updated as much as possible, so I will have a list that you can help me fill out with current information.
I don't think we'll make specific assignments, but it would be nice if everyone could bring a little food to share around--a dessert, chips, drinks, or something to put with rice or perhaps a Malagasy, Creole, or Mauritian dish if you are so inclined. I'm sure everything will work out (it always does). The more food there is, the happier everyone is, so bring whatever you can.
I would appreciate if you would RSVP if you are coming (so that we can have a general idea). This message is going out to many of you that will not be able to come because you are far away, but if you would like to pass a message to the rest of the missionaries, send me an email and I will have everything posted at my house during the reunion.
Misaotra betsaka,
Ike Jacob
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"Wouldnt this be a good time for a little self-evaluation to determine if we still have the same relationship with our Father in Heaven that we enjoyed in the mission field? If the world has diverted us from the practice of prayer, we then have lost a great spiritual power. Maybe it is time that we rekindle our missionary spirit through more frequent, consistent, and mighty prayer."