Registration Form
Forma de Registrarse
Welcome to the MMO Registration Page. We are trying to gather information on all those that served in that wonderful place, that all have fond memories of,
Oaxaca, Mexico
Personal Information
Married Name if applicable:
Your Address and telephone will only be used for contact purposes of Mission Reunions, It will not be posted on the Mission Web page
Permanent Address:
Phone Number:
Email Address:
Who was your first (or only) Mission President?
Alberto de la Gamboa (1987-90)
Miguel Hidalgo Navarro (1990-93)
Filemon Flores Velasco (1993-96)
Tomas Concha Martinez (1996-now)
If applicable, who was your second Mission President?
Alberto de la Gamboa
Miguel Hidalgo Navarro
Filemon Flores Velasco
Tomas Concha Martinez
In which years did you serve?
In what Areas did you serve?
How did you find the mission homepage?
Please feel free to add any comments that just happen to pop into your head.
Thanks for spending the time to register yourself. It may take up to a week before the information which you provided is posted to the alumni page. Sorry about the wait!