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Elder David Gareis Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Robert W. Poll (1992 - 1995) | John P. Livingstone (1995 - 1998) | Served: 1993 - 1995 | Areas Served: Southgate, Huron Valley North, Tecumseh, Detroit Lodge, Detroit North, Belleville, Taylor. | Companions: Craig Noelen Berntson | Jess Iannoli | Jared D. Jeppesen | jason Koelliker | David B Mosley | Spouse: Diana | Comments: This appears to be one of those exceptionally active years. Our first born, Sean Michael, arrived in January. What a blessing he is! I've changed employers for the first time in nine years (well, the first time by my own choice). Exciting and scary all at once. I'm humbled by the tremendous blessings we've received recently.
We are still in Denver, and loving it; still active, and blessed because of it.
Companions(s): Huffaker, Peterson, Rosenbalm, Beacham, Iannoli, Jeppesen, Berntson, Morris, Woods, Standley, Clement, Standley, Moreau, Keolliker |
Created: 11 Jan 1999 Modified: 23 Apr 2006 |
Last Login: 23 Apr 2006 08:36:13 PM |
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