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Elder Seth S Jackson Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: John P. Livingstone (1995 - 1998) | Served: 1995 - 1997 | Areas Served: Pontiac East, A2 Institut,Detriot Grand,Flint Central,Imlay city,Sterling Hts. South Gate, Belleville | Companions: Ryan Harper | Brad Lee Hull | Mark Anselmo James | Tyler Ludlow | Larry Shatzer Jr. | Mike Slater | Jason Webb | Rance Wright | Your Occupation: Technical Support Verizon Wireless | Spouse: Shanae (Arnold) Jackson | Comments: Hit by a car in Ann Arbor ( I did give the guy a book of mormon)
Companions(s): Elders,Pinkerton,Willson,Brent Smith,Beard,Harper,Williams,Jimenez,Spence,Salter,Webb,Wright,Shatzer,Ludlow,Loudon,Williams
I spent 2 months in the U.S Army This year to be discharged for flat feet, I guess all that tracting paid off. anyway going back to school at age 29, I have 3 kids Devin (age 5) Ryan (Age 3) and Annalise (Age 2 in December) and a Beautiful wife Shanae.
Living in Taylorsvill Now. I work at Verizon Wireless helping people to use thos pesky PDA's and Data Cards. Kids Doing Great. March Shanae and i Hit the 10yr Anniversary. She is the light of my life.( She was looking over my sholder just now). |
Created: 23 May 1997 Modified: 29 Apr 2008 |
Last Login: 29 Apr 2008 10:04:41 AM |
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