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Elder Nick Apeland Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Served: 2008 - 2010 | Areas Served: Meridian, Jackson,Shreveport | Comments: Nicholas (Elder Apeland) has been out 5 months now and LOVES it! Lots of neat experiences in Meridian and LOVED his companion Elder Delouch...Elder Apeland was transferred just a few weeks ago to Jackson and said he won't be there long but loves it as well...the south is the BEST he says and although it is a very hard mission with not tons of baptisms the people are great and wonderful and he has had some amazing experiences so far. He can't wait to see what is next and says that President and Sister Fuhriman are the BEST mission president in the church! It helps that we live a few miles apart here in Oregon! June 2008 - Nicholas was just transferred to Shreveport, LA! He was made a district leader and says this area is hard but is excited to find some investigators! Life is GREAT he reports and we look forward to writing more soon about his experiences! |
Created: 11 Jun 2008 Modified: 08 Feb 2009 |
Last Login: 14 Jul 2008 09:50:23 PM |
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