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Sister Brenda Ann Moulton (Davis)

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Leon Hartshorn (1980 - 1983)
Served: 1981 - 1983
Language(s) spoken:English
Areas Served:
Carbindale, Sham-Bana, Sedalia, St.Ann, Matoon, Alton
Anne Arrington (Fackrell) | Diane Bushman ((Bland)) | Sandy Preece (Kitchen)
Your Occupation: Business Owner/Picture Framer
Spouse: Phil Moulton
Phil and I have three children, two girls and one boy. Marissa(23) has now joined our business, We are training her to be the Manager of our shop. In the next 3-4 months we will be opening a second shop. And when that is up and running Phil plans to play more golf.
We are planning a trip, either this summer or next Spring, to vacation back east with stops in Nauvoo and St. Louis. It will be great to visit these places again.
I recently have been assked to be the Activities person in our ward. We have been in our Ward about a year and a half. My husband is curently Ward Mission Leader and together, we will be
having many activities to bring the ward together and hopefully, bring more new members to our ward. The Missionary work is going well in our area and we have great Elders in our ward.
Each year as I see things that are happening in the world, my testimony continues to deepen, and I am grateful that I am in the Savior's church and am guided by a prophet to help us in our lives.
I know that Jesus is the Christ and that God is mindful of us and wants to be there to help us in our life. It is wonderful to go to a Stake Conference and hear our Church leaders and feel their strong spirits. Elder Robert Oaks was the visiting Authority at our last Stake conference. What a great man.
Created: 16 Jan 2006  Modified: 16 Jan 2006
Last Login: 29 Dec 2006 01:39:40 AM

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