Sister Andrea Kay Hill Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Jack M. Bangerter (1994 - 1997) |
Served: 1996 - 1997 |
Language(s) spoken:English |
Areas Served: glenwood,plattsmouth,omaha,kearney,atlanta |
Companions: Candace Brewer (Rogers) | Debbie Sampson (Dye) |
Your Occupation: stay @ home mom |
Spouse: Joe Porter |
Comments: I am now living in Utah with my husband Joe. He teaches technology classes and wood shop and builds us things in his spare time. We have 4 kids that are currently 4 and under. We have our hands full and are loving every bit of it. Well at least most of it anyway. I am training for a marathon in September and that's what gives me my sanity. We are building a house which will be done this July. I don't hear from people from the mission much, and would love to hear from you if you know me. email me or give me a call!
Andrea |
Created: 10 Feb 2006 Modified: 13 Mar 2006 |
Last Login: 03 May 2006 02:16:31 PM |