News Item: Vladimir Astashov '00-'02 called to preside over Russia Moscow Missi
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Vladimir N. Astashov, 45, and Anna Astashova, three children, Korolev Branch, Moscow Russia Stake: Russia Moscow Mission, succeeding President Aleksandr A. Drachyov and Sister Julia B. Drachyov. Brother Astashov is a stake president and former Area Seventy, mission presidency counselor, stake presidency counselor, branch president and missionary in the Nevada Las Vegas Mission. He was born in Voronezh, Russia, to Nikolai Ivanovich Astashov and Zinaida Semyonovna Kuksova.
Sister Astashova is an area organization adviser and former stake Relief Society president, stake Young Women presidency counselor and missionary in the California Sacramento Mission. She was born in Chita, Russia, to Valery Viktorovich Vaikus and Svetlana Sergeevna Maricheva.
—The Church News, 28 February 2025
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