Comments: Just after the mish I moved to Idaho Falls, ID to work for a tire shop as an assistant manager. I took a totally different avenue when I was hired on as a Nuclear Density Guage Calibration Technician with Qal-Tek Associates. That job is was awesome. I traveled all over the U.S. every 2 weeks to calibrate these guages. Somewhere along the way I found myself an awesome girl and we got marred July, 21 2007 in the Columbia River Washington temple. I know work in the sales side of Qal-Tek working the thousand to million plus dollar contracts and clients. Our best and major client is the New York City Fire Department.
"You are a great army of returned missionaries. Go forward with new zeal and determination, and through your example shine the light of the gospel in this troubled world. This is the Lords work in which we are engaged. God lives. Jesus is the Christ. We belong to His Church. This is my witness to you in the name of Jesus Christ, amen."