Elder Brent Cope Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: John R. Poulton (1977 - 1980) | Edgar M. Denny (1980 - 1983) |
Served: 1978 - 1980 |
Areas Served: Socrro, El Paso. Artisa, Carlsbad, Roswell, Clovis |
Companions: John Morgan Robertson |
Your Occupation: Rebuild Mechanic for Stoffers [Nestle] |
Spouse: Rose |
Comments: I was inactive for over 15 years but thanks to the lord for hitting me with a 2 x 4 a couple of time and 3 home teachers that would not give up on me I'm active agian. Rose and I have 5 kids [3 girl's and 2 boy's] and 5 grandkids. I have a son serving in the Tcoma Washington Mission. I love doing Genealogy. My current calling in the church is Sectery to the Young Mens Presidency. Past calling have been Ast. Scout Master and Sunday School President. |
Created: 01 Jan 2005 Modified: 01 Jan 2005 |
Last Login: 05 Dec 2004 11:01:11 PM |