 | Elder Darin T Dickey Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Kenneth Griffiths (1989 - 1992) |
Served: 1990 - 1992 |
Areas Served: Santa Fe, Albuquerque, Winslow, Pollacca, Aztec |
Companions: Richard T Howard | Brian Niels Jensen | Mark Standfield |
Your Occupation: Computer Programmer |
Spouse: Kimberly |
Comments: After my mission I returned home to Utah. I graduated from Utah State in 1995. While I was at Utah State I helped start the vocal group named "Voice Male". I met my beautiful wife in 1994 and we were married a year later. We have four kids...Sarah, Megan, Matthew and Jacob.
As far as church service goes, I spent a few years as Elders Quorum President (twice) and a few years in the Young Mens program. Currently I am 2nd counselor in the Valley Forge Second Ward bishopric.
In 1999 we moved to the Philadelphia, PA area. I work as a computer programmer for a large law firm in the city. We are having a great time out here. My wife and I love the East.
I have very fond memories of the New Mexico Albuquerque mission. I would love to hear from anyone. |
Created: 15 Oct 2002 Modified: 17 Jan 2007 |
Last Login: 17 Jan 2007 01:23:20 PM |