Comments: I got home 6/19/02 and was immediately called as the Ward Mission Leader, 6 weeks later (1 xfer) I was married to Gianina in the Orlando Temple (the girl from the picture). We went to Hawaii for our honneymoon and got an apt in Miami.
10/03/03- I was called Stake Young Men's President.
03/21/04 -I was called 2nd counselor to my Bishop.
08/29/04- I was sustained as BISHOP of my ward! (don't worry, the Church is still true) I'm still teching, commiting, and serving with the same INTENSITY that I learned from the Great Missionaries of the NYS mission, (you know who you are). So stay true and Keep it Real! NYS 'FO LIFE! BAPTIIIIIZEEEEEEEEEEE!!!
6/16/05-Just found out my wife is pregnant!
1/28/06 It's a Girl! 6.5 lbs. 20" long, Her name is Caeley. Looks just like me, she's beautiful. I now believe in love at first sight.
2/18/06-After over ten years of persuation, I BAPTIZED MY DAD! On a visit from Mexico for Caeley's presentation, he just asked me to baptize him! We had it on the beach of Key Biscayne. The beach looked more beautiful than I had ever seen. The next day I blessed Caeley, confirmed my Dad, and gave him the Aaronic Priesthood. What a day! |