Sister Janice Kapp Perry Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: G. Lawrence Spackman (2000 - 2003) |
Served: 2001 - 2003 |
Companions: Lindsay Jane Aldous | Suzanne Crook | Angela Dawn Da Marto | Ruth Noelani Guerreiro (Black) |
Your Occupation: teacher--11th grade biology |
Comments: I miss the mission like crazy, but I'm happy to be in this new phase of my life. It is a wonderful privilege to be working with today's youth. They face so many challenges, and there is so much potential in each of them. They can be quite nefarious in their actions at times, but I sense their goodness. I have also enjoyed working with the students outside the classroom. I opened up a school chapter of the Biological Honor Society, and I'm the assistant coach for the girls' cross-country team. |
Created: 19 Oct 2003 Modified: 22 Oct 2003 |
Last Login: 22 Oct 2003 12:52:03 AM |