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Elder Morgan Hall Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Jose Evenor Boza (1992 - 1995) | Darryl Townsend (1995 - 1998) | Served: 1996 - 1998 | Companions: Benjamin D. Clark | Comments: Hiya everybody. Really neat site. I was married in June 1997 to a patient woman named Kristi Lynn and in June of 1999 we had a drooling monstrosity of a son named Ethan; our little blessing. Life is great! I'm a counselor in the Elder's quorum in Waxahachie, Texas. Currently, 2000-2001, I'm studying for a degree in Systems Administration. I'm in the administrative end of the cement-plant construction business right now and can't wait to get out of that! Bueno, ya debo terminar ahora, pero ha sido un gran placer escribiendoles. Espero que si me recuerdan, me puedan escribir; especialmente Urena (porque tu eres el soplapote!). I guess I'll wrap it up now. Que sigan firmes en la fe Elderes de Israel! Nos vemos mas alla donde termina el camino y empieza el campo. |
Created: 09 Jan 2001 Modified: 09 Jan 2001 |
Last Login: 09 Jan 2001 09:26:52 PM |
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