News Item: 2005 in review
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Well the year has come and gone with a lot of things happening but as returned missionaries things of spiritual importance are what is much more important to us.
first of all The Dedication of The Aba Temple was done by President Hinckely In person.
Secondly the death and calling of two apostles of the church the calling of Elder Uctdorf and Elder Bednar ( hope igot their names right).
Thridly, The temple marriage of my companion Elder Egwounwu and myself is what i like to remeber in 2005.
Last of all is the most significant realization that the Church is True no matter what may have occured in your personal life it is still true and the work will go forth nobly and no unhallowed hand shall stop this great work because it is the Church of Jesus Christ, and a marvelous work and a wonder.
Finally, my fellow saints do remember we have been part of the great work. let us live to be a litle better than we were last year. 2006 gives us an opportunity to become better latter day saints, I know that the Saviourtestifies to the Prophet of restoration that he is well pleased with us, may he always be pleased with you and i everyday of our mortal probation, AMEN.
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