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 | Elder Onwuchekwa Hope Emenike Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Sherwood (2002 - 2004) | Taylor B Harper (2004 - 2006) | Served: 2003 - 2005 | Language(s) spoken:YORUBA, ENGLISH | Areas Served: BENIN, AKURE, IBADAN | Your Occupation: STUDENT | Spouse: NIL | Comments: I am completing education now and serving in my student ward and home ward when am at home. The gospel has really blessed me. My mission exprience cannot be traded with the world. It has really blessed me, it has prepared me for life and challenges that come with it.
I am serving as a ward mission leader, family history consultant and elder's quorum teacher in my student ward ( I am sorry, I have alot of callings, though, I am not a superman).
I am still single hoping to get married soon, when the time is right. I have been very busy with school and part-time business that I do.
I solemnly testify that the gospel is true. I know that Prophet Joseph Smith was called of God for this great work. I testfy that obedience to the gospel principles bring blessings. I know that our faith grows as we try to obey the commandments. I testify that Jesus Chris died for our sins, my mortal mind cannot comprehend what He did at the garden of gethsemene, but I do know that there, He bled and died for our sins, of Him I testify, Amen! |
Created: 11 Jul 2008 Modified: 11 Jul 2008 |
Last Login: 11 Jul 2008 07:02:58 AM |
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