Stories: God win over Satan
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January 8, 2007
I have never thought it could happened, never thought i would be able to see it from my own eyes, I mean we see that in the movie (bad movie of course) we read that in the scriptures but we pray hard not to ever experience such.........
You are wondering what? Well let me share with you my testimony once more about how I know that God is alive and He is looking for us, He is caring about us and He also help us when we ask, but all in time for the one who can endure and be patient that is a must to remember. It is never in our own way, at our own speed but Father in Heaven is there to helped us. So tonight I will share my true story, why sharing? It could be just for me, yes I know, but I rather share to honored Jesus and to thank Him for saving me once more.
In early september i have been hired into a company that was just the perfect job, wonderful atmosphere, good people, great work, and alot of fun. Hey ok, do not panic it wasn't the paradise but it was a marvellous job until, it turned out into a contention field. The same day i was hired someone came to an interview, the week later she was hired. Amazingly or a coincidence or we can also say weird, this women was the same birth date as mine but she was totally different from me, meaning her attitude, she was rough, not polite, she was swearing, none believer and she was gossiping about every one. No choice we were into the rush of Halloween so we all thought it was the stress of it, but after that, it start back, the atmosphere at the company was not good at all, every thing that was wrong was in every way blame on me but in no way i have never done anything to jeaopardize my job overthere. So I try to confine other employees, took me some months to find out that she was the one messing up with my job trying to make me go away. I almost did, last week i was sending resume to change job, I was even coming home upset that I had to support everything without being able to do anything. So this sunday I decide that I will offered this girl and this situation to the only person who could help me out. But before that saturday I told my boss, everything from a to z and more........i even told her that i was leaving in february, cause i could not tolerate anymore the atmosphere in there. I told her that she needed to open her eyes and see that someone was making trouble and she was about to loose all her good employees. She was in shock, I showed her my CTR ring and said:''I can be everything that person said if that is you want to believe, but this ring means that I rather choose what is right and that is to say the truth, so if you believe it is the thruth you will know yourself what to do.''
I came to work on monday morning, everything went well, until the employee came with her anger and start yelling and said, that is so awful i could not even repeat it in here but I knew it was the ennemy talking just like in the movies.......she threatned me, accuse me and almost want to fight with me.........i turned my back on her and walk off her side to hide myself in the kitchen, my assistant manager was there and told her that she did not have any right to do that, she ask her to leave she was already fired and not to come again. She defend me in all and said that if she had to choose between her and me.......she would choose me 100%. I heard her and thank Lord in a prayer that He did protect me. But I'm telling you I saw the ennemy face to face and I do not want it to happened no more. But I also saw the power of Lord with the balm He left upon our head after she was so peaceful that even my manager told me that we could hear the flies.
I'm here feeling the peace once more and believe that Father is there beside me hugging me telling me that I'm his child and was worth to be save. Believe me, it took me long to realise that Satan could use someone this way to really hurt me, i almost jump in it and loose everything, but I did not, I choose the right path.
I cannot believe how much we have been test over the past years, but once more i have endure it till the end and win one more step closer to my goal.....which is to be sitting beside my Savior in the Celestial Kingdom. I pray Lord that none of you had to experience such to gain a testimony but I pray that you could see how much Father loves you to give you the hand you need in time of His choice, not only when you need it and begg for it.........but every second of your life.......Remember Him, honored Him, we are nothing without Him. That is my testimony in the name of Jesus-Christ, amen.
Sister Carpentier
Ward of Longueuil, Stake of Longueuil, Montreal, Quebec |
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