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Sister Annette Cleveland (Pew) Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Mark B Weed (1988 - 1991) | Served: 1989 - 1991 | Areas Served: Winston-Salem, Cornelius, Kernersville, Brevard, Statesville | Companions: Tessa Jo Rye (Campbell) | Your Occupation: full time mother & homemaker | Spouse: Frank Cleveland | Comments: What I've been doing since March 1991, in a nutshell:
Married Frank Cleveland 4-23-92
Graduated from BYU with BS in Accounting 12-92
Worked outside the home until 1-96
Scott Laurence, born 8-15-94
Tanner Frank, born 11-26-96
Jared Antony, born 10-28-98
Lived in Provo, UT April 1992- May 1997
Lived in Geneva, NY May 1997- Oct 1998
Lived in Newark, DE Oct 1998-March 2000
Moved to Frederick, MD March 2000, and hope to stay here a while longer!
I've spent most of my years on the east coast serving in the Primary organization, but right now (10-03) I'm an advisor in Young Women's.
My family loves visitors, so if you are ever in the area (we are about 45 minutes north of Washington, DC), please contact us! |
Created: 06 Oct 2003 Modified: 06 Oct 2003 |
Last Login: 06 Oct 2003 01:24:09 PM |
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