Sister Chelsea Okiku Barney (Thomas) Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Served: 2002 - 2004 |
Language(s) spoken:southern slang |
Areas Served: Hickory 1st , Stuart, VA.,Hickory 2nd, Gastonia,NC |
Companions: Teresa A Goates | Trudy Rushforth |
Your Occupation: mother |
Spouse: Samuel E. Barney |
Comments: Joseph Lehi Barney was born a month early on Nov. 6th weighing 5lbs 11ozs. We're having a blast here in Fairbanks while Sam finishes school. There's a good chance we'll be moving to Utah in a couple years if Sam gets the job he's applying for. If so we'll look forward to getting back together with ya'll. Sure do miss everyone. I'm a fulltime mom and thoroughly enjoying it. I'd like to begin corrospondence courses with BYU and probably will start dancing again this spring but won't teach for awhile. Hope all is well. God bless and stay strong. Love Always, Chelsea |
Created: 18 Oct 2004 Modified: 30 Dec 2005 |
Last Login: 30 Dec 2005 01:31:00 AM |