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Gerald RichinsAddress not available
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Comments: After serving in NFE Mission, I graduated from BYU in Accounting. I had a career of 35 year with Phelps Dodge Corporation now Freeport McMoran Copper and Gold with different resposibilities in accounting related positions. I retired in 1999, but was a financial consultant for them until the end of 2008.
I married Dian in1968. I met her at BYU. We are serving together in the Albuquerque Temple as ordinance workers. We are also serving as Family History Consultants to the Native American branches in the stake. Dian has been doing Family History research most of her life. I am a beginner.
I spend most of my career in Morenci, Arizona, with some time in Silver City, New Mexico (Tyrone) and Safford, Arizona. We have three daughters and nine gradchildren.
We moved to Ramah, NM two years ago. |
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