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Elder Jake Handy

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Lloyd M. Rasmussen (1990 - 1993)
Served: 1991 - 1993
Areas Served:
North Bend, Salem, Cottage Grove, Winston
Jeff Hocker
Your Occupation: Intellectual Property Attorney
Spouse: Lona
I was sealed to my wife Lona in the San Diego temple and we have 4 kids--two girls (Meridien (13) and Capria (10)) and two boys (Asher (6) and Trent (5)).

I am still in San Diego and am working as a intellectual property attorney (mainly biotech stuff).

Any former companions and/or mission buddies (including members of TFA) shoot me an email!
Created: 26 Sep 2003  Modified: 24 Feb 2007
Last Login: 24 Feb 2007 03:30:49 PM

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