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Elder Brady Douglas Adams

1506 W Pleasant View Drive
Pleasant View, UT 84414


Current Address
1024 S. Slate Canyon Dr.
Provo, Ut 84606


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Ronald Andrew Smart (1999 - 2002)
Served: 2000 - 2002
Areas Served:
winston, turner/four corners, keizer, Jan rae, grants pass, UofO institute in Eugene
Hyrum Hardy Decker | Michael Jon Reading | Craig Romrell
Your Occupation: student
Spouse: Tracy
My wife Tracy and I will be celebrating our one year anniversary this Feb. We have a lot going on right now to keep our lives busy. Tracy works in Orem for a company called QCOMM. I am graduating in April from BYU with a degree in biology and plan to apply for medical school in June. Hope everyone is doing well. I love the gospel. Nothing but great memories from the OEM. I brag about it to everyone. I'm never through with the truth and always true to the blue...go cougs.
Created: 24 Mar 2004  Modified: 02 Feb 2006
Last Login: 02 Feb 2006 08:01:31 AM

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