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Jehu  Carmona Alumni Photo

Elder Jehu Carmona

Admon. 1 AP. 328
Villahermosa, Tabasco 86001

011 52 9933 36 74 15

Current Address
1565N Univ. Ave. #133
Provo, Utah 84604

801 370 2158

Send Email
Ronald Andrew Smart (1999 - 2002) | John Riley Cushing (2002 - 2005)
Served: 2002 - 2004
Language(s) spoken:Spanish
Areas Served:
All of them!
Brady Bloxham | Michael Andrew Ellis | Brandon P Hatch | Brandon C Hatch | Mathew L Ross
Still single but looking. I go to BYU Accounting major and work a lot. is there anything else you want to know about me ? go ahead and ask.
Created: 02 Mar 2006  Modified: 02 Mar 2006
Last Login: 06 Mar 2006 05:35:39 PM

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