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Elder Ryan Knavel

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Lloyd M. Rasmussen (1990 - 1993) | John R. Simmons (1993 - 1996)
Served: 1993 - 1995
Areas Served:
McMinnville, Albany, Grants Pass, Salem, Roseburg, Lebanon, Yamhill, Eagle Point
nathan Call | Howard Kay Kemple Jr.
Your Occupation: Business Owner
Spouse: Aubrey Young Knavel
I served in the mission from 1993-1995. Those who were serving there during that time might remember me as being the missionary who wore shorts every day for a couple of months due to a serious injury at the coast! I had the tannest legs in the mission for sure!

I got married in 1997--the best decision I have ever made! We currently live in Utah, and have two sons, Dylan and Ethan. I graduated from college with a Bachelor of Science in Business Management, and worked as an operations manager for about eight years, and currently own and operate a business that specializes in audio/video solutions for residential markets. I am currently enrolled in an MBA program at the University of Phoenix.

My wife graduated from college with a Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene, and has worked full time as a dental hygienist for eight years. She is currently enrolled in the prerequisites for dental school, and will be applying to several dental schools in May, 2007. Upon completion of dental school, she plans to continue her education in order to specialize in orthodontics.

We have had many opportunities to travel and see many parts of the world and the country, including England, Scotland, Wales, France, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Hawaii, and many contiguous states. In March, 2008 we have a once in a lifetime opportunity to visit the holy land, and walk where Jesus walked, see the exact sites where Jesus was crucified, suffered for our sins, and the tomb where he was laid to rest. I am very excited for these experiences and the strength they will add to my testimony.

I served with 21 companions during my mission (including the one in the MTC), alomost none of whom are listed as alumni in this site.
I would very interested in catching up with old friends from the mission!
Created: 27 Apr 2007  Modified: 27 Apr 2007
Last Login: 27 Apr 2007 01:02:06 PM

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