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Sister Alissa Aguilar Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Mark A Young (2011 - 2014) | Served: 2013 - 2014 | Language(s) spoken:English | Areas Served: Florence, North Bend, Ashland, Springfield 3rd, Newton Creek(Roseburg) | Your Occupation: student | Comments: I just returned from my mission in the OEM. It is the greatest mission on the earth. I truly am my greatest convert, and I am thankful to say that I look at the world differently now. I understand my responsibility as a member of Jesus Christ's Church more now than I ever would have had I not served a mission. I am so thankful for the opportunity I had to go on a mission fully supported by my family and by a loving Heavenly Father and Savior, and now to be returning to school at Utah State to pursue a bachelor's degree in Nutrition Science and start the life that Heavenly Father wants me to have. :) |
Created: 06 Jan 2015 Modified: 06 Jan 2015 |
Last Login: 06 Jan 2015 04:07:05 PM |
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